Class Engine

Class Documentation

class Engine

Public Functions





bool Init(InitParams *params)

Init the engine device.

bool Run()
void LockUpdateThread()
void UnlockUpdateThread()
Event *Poll()
void Release(const Event *_event)
uint32_t GetCurrentFrameNumber() const
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> GetLogger() const
InitParams *GetParams() const
void SetParams(InitParams *_params)
PlatformWindow *GetMainWindow() const
PlatformWindow *NewWindow(PlatformWindow::Type _type)
uint16_t GetNewViewId()
uint32_t GetMsaaFlags() const
float GetElapsedTime() const
float GetDeltaTime() const

Public Members

PluginManager plugin_manager
TextureManager texture_manager

Public Static Functions

static Engine &GetSingleton()

Protected Attributes

InitParams *m_params
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> Logger
PlatformWindow *m_pWindow
uint32_t m_debug
uint32_t m_reset
uint32_t m_frame_number
uint16_t m_viewId = 0
int64_t m_time_offset
bx::Thread *m_pGfxThread
bx::Mutex *m_pMutex = nullptr
int m_iLockStatus = 0
ftl::TaskScheduler *m_pTaskMgr

0 = No action, 1 = Lock, 2 = Unlock the update thread.

MouseState m_MouseState
bool m_bRun
bool m_bNeedReset
float m_fElapsedTime = 0.0f
float m_fDeltaTime = 0.0f

Protected Static Functions

static int InitBgfxInThread(bx::Thread *_thread, void *_userData)